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ABC - African Bird Club
AFO - Association of Field Ornithologist
American Birding Association
BirdLife International
Bird Links to the World
BOC - British Ornithologists' Club
BOCA - Bird Observation & Conservation Australia
BOU - British Ornithologists' Union
BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
CMS - Convention on Migratory Species
Cooper Ornithological Society
Cormorant Research Group
CSO - Czech Society for Ornithology
Dansk Ornitologisk Forening
DO-G - Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft
Dutch Birding
EBCC – European Bird Census Council
ECWG - European Crane Working Group
EURAPMON - Research and monitoring for and with raptors in Europe
EURING - European Union for Bird Ringing
European Crane Working Group
Gull Research Organisation
IUCN World Conservation Union
IWSG - International Wader Study Group
London's Swifts Homepage
NBC - Neotropical Bird Club
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Raptor Research
Raptor Research Foundation
SKOF - Skanes Ornitologiska Forening
SON - Sociedad de Ornitología Neotropical
Surfbirds The World Birding Website
Swiss Ornithological Institute
The American Ornithologists' Union
The European Ornithologists' Union
The International Owl Society
The Owl Pages
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
The Wilson Ornithological Society
The World of Owls
Wader Study Group
Western Field Ornithologists
Wetlands International
World Owl Trust